Camp Verde, AZ (Dec 2015 & Jan. 2016)
We found many things to explore in and around Camp Verde including Indian Ruins and petroglyphs.
Tuzigoot National Monument near Cottonwood.
Singua Indians built this pueblo on a mound surrounded by fertile soil where they grew food for survival.
They had quite the panoramic view from the top most likely to watch for intruders and keep an eye on their crops. Only the lower foundations remain, they had roofs of some sort, no doors, it's believed they entered through the top using ladders. |
Montezuma Castle is another Sinagua Ruin, one of our favorites because of how well it's survived nature’s elements and the fact that it’s 5 stories high. One can’t help but wonder… how could the Sinagua achieve such a feat with only hand made tools of rocks and sticks.
A trantula on our hiking trail. They are actually
quite docil and move rather slow
We enjoyed fall in Camp Verde, hard to believe it was December.
After driving several miles on a jeep trail we arrived at the Trailhead for Fossil Springs
on the Verde River. It was a beautiful day for hiking.
The water was crystal clear, so beautiful here. We were told in summer this place is full of people, swimming, diving off cliffs into the deeper pools etc. On this day (in December and on a weekday) we met just a couple other people the entire day. It's nice to be able to do things on weekdays and in the off season. |
Ready to Fly Away...
Mingus Mountain at 7,000+ feet has a hang gliding launch. The launch itself is unbelievable (scary), there’s a small cement slope where the hang gliders basically run down a few feet to where the cement ends and then jump off the mountain. We would’ve liked to see somebody actually do it. The locals said you can often see the hang gliders up in the air, weather and wind conditions have to be just right. Mingus Mountain also has a campground and nice areas for picnicking.
Beautiful views on Mingus Mountain.
Our wonderful adventure continues. |